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Ora Pure Mindfulness

Meditation practice chair - Concept, product, interior,

graphic design; branding

On demand, customisable

"Meditation calms the agitation of thoughts, gives peace to anxieties and worries, the senses are heightened, life resumes its most vivid colours, the spirit expands and rejoins the great breath of the universe. A calm confidence takes the place of anxiety and spreads around you, awakening benevolence and trust in those around you."  


The practice of meditation, especially for the inexperienced, is much easier if it takes place in a favourable physical-spatial condition. Now gives form to meditation, it is your personal space, physical and mental, where design merges with spirituality. It is a protective shell and an inclusive embrace, it is a plastic yet iconic form, light yet solid, in a delicate yet strong balance that exactly reflects the psychic state to which meditation leads.


Ora Pure Mindfulness
Now fits into private residences, the wide world of hospitality, spas, cruise ships, wherever there is interest in mindfulness. Spaces dedicated to this practice can be existing or specially created, in any case they should respect the design principles developed by a team of experts and which are an integral part of the Ora Pure Mindfulness concept.
Mindfulness has its roots in Vietnam, thanks to the Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh... Today it is the most practised form of meditation in the world, it is the new wellness proposition for the health of body and mind. Ora means 'the present moment'.



Cristina, testimonial and partner of the Ora Pure Mindfulness project, has made the quest for inner well-being her professional mission, in symbiosis with an intimate introspective analysis closely linked to the extraordinary events of her private life.

'I learnt to be happy even in the most difficult moments, and this was only possible thanks to the mental strength that I learnt to cultivate day by day'.

With these words Cristina tells us how, thanks to the meditation that has accompanied her on an intense introspective journey, she is able to see difficulties from another perspective and transform obstacles into opportunities for growth and sharing.

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2020-06-23 LOGO FINALE VIOLA.png
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