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Globe restaurant

Interior design, corporate identity


Milan is an orographically flat city, so the view is always limited, occluded by buildings, and perhaps also for this reason it is a very neurotic city. When I was called in for this project, the GLOBE was one of only two restaurants in Milano located on the top floor of a building, but it did not take advantage of this privilege, it offered no view to the outside.

So, the first decision was to demolish everything, build large windows, a covered terrace and only low partitions on the inside, to guarantee a view of the outside everywhere.

The second was a 'therapeutic' decision: all the interior design set on restful horizontal lines, a neutral colour soothing to the eye, careful use of natural, soft light. Calm down, relax.

The entrepreneurial goal, to turn the business into a money-making machine, was achieved and surpassed, (revenue+130% constant, break even point after only 6 months), largely due to extremely careful planning of the operational requirements of the various work areas.

But above all, incredibly short renovation times, only thirty days, compared to a total renovation that was by its very nature very complex, complicated by untold difficulties (location of the building, only one freight elevator to be shared with the other 7 floors of the department store below; concomitance of the work on the façades by another company, etc.).

What appears to be a miracle is in reality only the result of a project intrinsically conceived for this objective and of precise planning, a criterion that in any case must apply to the design of any entrepreneurial activity that cannot afford to remain unproductive for long.

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